Kyungyuk Chae
(Sungkyunkwan University)
Because of the astrophysical importance of measuring numerous (alpha,p) reactions for explosive nucleosynthesis, we have developed a new approach using heavy ion beams incident on a windowless helium gas target and have measured the 4He(19F,1H)22Ne reaction as a first demonstration. 19F beams were produced at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and bombarded a large scattering chamber filled with helium gas. Using a newly built gas recirculator system, a windowless gas target was maintained at a constant gas pressure of 9 Torr. Recoiling protons from the reactions were detected by a large area annular silicon strip detector array (SIDAR) which was configured in dE-E telescope mode. We measured the 19F(a,p) and 19F(a,p’) excitation functions over the energy range of Ec.m.~1.96-2.1 MeV. Details of the experiment and future plans will be presented.
*This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) and the US Department of Energy.
Primary author
Kyungyuk Chae
(Sungkyunkwan University)
A. Ayres
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
A. Bey
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
B. H. Moazen
(Louisiana State University)
C. D. Nesaraja
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Dan Bardayan
(University of Notre Dame)
K. L. Jones
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
M. E. Howard
(Rutgers University)
M. Matos
(Louisiana State University)
M. S. Smith
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Patrick O'Malley
(University of Notre Dame)
R. L. Kozub
(Tennessee Technological University)
S. T. Pittman
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Sunghoon (Tony) Ahn
U. Greife
(Colorado School of Mines)
W. A. Peters
(Oak Ridge Associated Universities)