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21–25 May 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Type I Bursts Recurrence Time vs Accretion and Spin Rate

24 May 2018, 11:30
contributed talk Session M5


Dr Yuri Cavecchi (Princeton University - University of Southampton)


When a neutron star in a binary system is accreting from its companion, the newly accumulated matter can undergo a thermonuclear runaway which spreads over the whole surface of the star: this results in extremely bright X-ray flashes called Type I Bursts. Nuclear burning and its dependence on the mass accretion rate are fundamental ingredients for describing the bursts complicated observational phenomenology. A long standing puzzle is the increasing burst recurrence time versus increasing accretion rate experienced by many sources, while theory predicts that the recurrence time should constantly decrease (nearly) until stabilization. I will show how, by considering different conditions across the stellar surface as a function of accretion rate and spin frequency, it is possible to resolve this apparent contradiction between theory and observations and I will discuss the implications of this scenario for our understanding of nuclear burning on neutron stars.

Primary author

Dr Yuri Cavecchi (Princeton University - University of Southampton)


Dr Anna Watts (University of Amsterdam) Dr Duncan Galloway (Monash Centre for Astrophysics, Monash University)

Presentation materials

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