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21–25 May 2018
US/Eastern timezone

The impact of (n,gamma) reaction rate uncertainties of unstable isotopes near N=82 on the i process nucleosynthesis

23 May 2018, 16:30
1h 30m


Dr Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria)


I will present the results of our new study of (n,$\gamma$) reaction rate uncertainties of unstable isotopes near the magic neutron number $N=82$ on the i-process nucleosynthesis. Like in our previous work, in which we studied the impact of (n,$\gamma$) reaction rate uncertainties of unstable isotopes near $N=50$ on the i-process nucleosynthesis in the He-flash white dwarfs, we use Monte Carlo simulations with randomly varied multiplication factors for the reaction rates, constrained by nuclear physics uncertainties, to reveal the isotopes whose n-capture cross section uncertainties have the strongest impact on the predicted i-process nucleosynthesis yields, this time, at the second peak n-capture elements.

Primary author

Dr Pavel Denisenkov (University of Victoria)


Prof. Falk Herwig (University of Victoria) Georgios Perdikakis (Central Michigan University) Hendrik Schatz (FRIB - JINA) Dr Samuel Jones (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr marco Pignatari (University of Hull)

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