Session M1
- Michael Wiescher (University of Notre Dame)
Donald Clayton
(Clemson University)
23/05/2018, 09:15
invited talk
Most begin following a specific research road because it is where one wants to work; but unexpected opportunity tempts one to uncharted paths, which is scary because of what one would give up. My own research life took several new crossroads despite the anxiety each presents. I was very fortunate that my own development paralleled that of nucleosynthesis, which I carried onto each crossroad....
Volker Bromm
(University of Texas at Austin)
23/05/2018, 09:45
invited talk
The emergence of the first stars fundamentally transformed the early universe, as sources for high-energy radiation and the first heavy chemical elements. I will review our current understanding of how the first supernovae enriched the pristine intergalactic gas, how the metals were transported into the surrounding medium, and how they eventually enabled the formation of long-lived, metal-poor...
Kaley Brauer
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
23/05/2018, 10:15
contributed talk
We present our stellar halo evolution model for Milky Way-mass galaxies using a set of high-resolution zoom-in cosmological simulations from the *CaterPillar* suite, the largest suite of its kind. The extended outskirts of a galaxy (the stellar halo) contain mainly old, metal-poor stars that originated in the many dwarf satellites that were accreted by the host galaxy. Stellar halos thus...