2018 JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics

Axel Boeltzig (University of Notre Dame), Janet Weikel (University of Notre Dame), Jinmi Yoon (University of Notre Dame)

Dear Nuclear Astrophysics Colleague,

We would like to invite you to participate in the JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting to be held on May 23-25 2018 at Gillespie Conference Center, 53995 SR 933 South Bend IN 46637.

This is the eighth in a series of former JINA and now JINA-CEE meetings that brings together JINA-CEE participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers in nuclear physics, astronomy, and astrophysics to discuss progress and future directions related to the understanding of the origin of the elements and neutron stars. One main goal of the meeting is to encourage students and post-docs to share results of their research with the community. All participants are strongly encouraged to contribute either a 15-minute oral presentation or a poster.

The meeting will start on Wednesday, May 23rd and will end on Friday, May 25th. It will be comprised of oral presentations, a poster session, and a participant-organized breakout session. The meeting will be preceded by a workshop for junior researchers which will take place on the same venue on May 21 and 22 2018.

We hope to see you in South Bend!

Organizing committee:

Jinmi Yoon (UND, Chair)
Axel Boeltzig (UND, Vice-chair)
Tamas Budner (MSU)
Anirudh Chiti (MIT)
Adam Clark (UND)
Bryce Frentz (UND)
Micha Kilburn (UND)
Ilka Petermann (ASU)
Kaitlin Rasmussen (UND)
Mallory Smith (MSU)
Ingo Tews (UW)
Janet Weikel (UND)
Devin Whitten (UND)

Information on the 2017 JINA-CEE Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics Meeting (held at the Michigan State University) can be found here.

This meeting is hosted by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Center for the Evolution of the Elements, a NSF Physics Frontier Center.
