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17 October 2017
US/Central timezone


Technical roundtable updates

17 Oct 2017, 14:05


Summary of technical activities for the past week and priorities for the next. Feel free to post notes or slides.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Kyle Gross (Indiana University / Open Science Grid Operations)
17/10/2017, 14:05
Dr Benedikt Riedel (University of Chicago)
17/10/2017, 14:10
Dr Bala Desinghu (Scientific Computing Consultant)
17/10/2017, 14:15
Dr Emelie Harstad (University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Holland Computing Center)
17/10/2017, 14:20
Mr Suchandra Thapa (Computation Institute / University of Chicago)
17/10/2017, 14:25
Mats Rynge (USC / Information Sciences Institute)
17/10/2017, 14:30
Building timetable...