Jul 22 – 28, 2018
Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center
EST timezone

Strange nucleon form factors with $N_f=2+1$ O($a$)-improved Wilson fermions

Jul 25, 2018, 4:50 PM
106 (Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center)


Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Mr Jonas Wilhelm (University of Mainz - Institut for Nuclear Physics)


We present preliminary results for strange form factors of the nucleon computed on the CLS ensembles with $N_f=2+1$ flavours of O($a$)-improved Wilson fermions. Our calculations are performed at two values of the lattice spacing ($a \in \{0.064, 0.086\} \,\mathrm{fm}$) at a pion mass of $280 \,\mathrm{MeV}$. The determination of strange form factors proceeds by computing quark-disconnected diagrams, for which we employ hierarchical probing in four dimensions, in order to deal with this most challenging part of the calculation. Furthermore, we investigate several source-sink separations to check on excited-state contamination.

Primary author

Mr Jonas Wilhelm (University of Mainz - Institut for Nuclear Physics)


Dr Georg von Hippel (University of Mainz) Prof. Hartmut Wittig (Johannes Gutenberg Universität) Prof. Harvey B. Meyer (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) Dr Konstantin Ottnad (University of Mainz) Dr Tim Harris (Milano Bicocca)

Presentation materials