DUNE CERN & FNAL Software & Computing Intro Tutorial

4-3-001 (Monday), 40-R-A10 (Wednesday) (CERN)

4-3-001 (Monday), 40-R-A10 (Wednesday)



Important Prerequisites For the Tutorials

If you want to follow along and try the exercises during or after the tutorials please complete the following prerequisites -

FNAL-focused Tutorial

  1. getting FNAL computing accounts - https://web.fnal.gov/collaboration/DUNE/SitePages/Getting%20Computer%20Accounts%20at%20Fermilab.aspx 
  2. Additional information on getting started is here - https://wiki.dunescience.org/wiki/DUNE_Computing/Getting_Started_with_DUNE_Computing

CERN-focused Tutorial

  1. getting CERN computing accounts - send email to Maxine Hronek stating you want CERN computing accounts.  This will start the process.
  2. If you have CERN computing account, make sure you have followed all the steps in the instruction: https://web.fnal.gov/collaboration/DUNE/SitePages/Computing%20tools.aspx (point 1 is the most important).

Vidyo Information for the Tutorials

Vidyo Connections can be found here

Tutorial Attendees