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Oct 8 – 12, 2018
US/Central timezone
IWAA 2018 group picture is available to download

Current developments of Laser Tracker testing standards

Oct 12, 2018, 11:00 AM
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Other Geodetic and Survey Topics Other Geodetic and Survey Topics


Mr Matthias Saure (Leica Geosystems AG)


Author: Matthias Saure Address: Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Leica Geosystems AG Metrology Products Moenchmattweg 5 CH-5035 Unterentfelden Switzerland Three major standards have been published defining an acceptance and verification test procedure for Laser Trackers. • ASME B89.4.19 • VDI/VDE 2617-10 • ISO 10360-10 However, these standards have not reached a wide acceptance by Laser Tracker users when testing the performance of a system due to the large effort performing the test. Currently the test procedures of ASME B89.4.19 and ISO 10360-10 are being reviewed to improve usability and user acceptance. This paper will give an overview about the current state of the revisions of ASME B89.4.19 and ISO 10360-10 and an outlook about the goals and timeline for both standards.

Primary author

Mr Matthias Saure (Leica Geosystems AG)

Presentation materials