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Oct 8 – 12, 2018
US/Central timezone
IWAA 2018 group picture is available to download

Vibrating Wire Method and related positioning study at NSRRC

Oct 12, 2018, 9:00 AM
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Other Geodetic and Survey Topics Other Geodetic and Survey Topics


Mr Tsechuan Tseng (NSRRC)


The vibration wire method for magnets centering alignment is restudied at NSRRC. It is prepared for the replacement of magnets on a girder at TPS in case of out of order. The good resolution data as NSLS II had shown is admired and expected. Moreover, due to the quick decay of the laser PSD system between straight section girders, the wire method to replace the laser PSD system is also studied simultaneously. This paper presents the study results.

Primary author

Mr Tsechuan Tseng (NSRRC)


Mr Chien-Kuang Kuan (NSRRC) Mr Jeremy Wang (NSRRC) Mr Shen-Yaw Perng (NSRRC) Mr Wei-Yang Lai (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)

Presentation materials