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Oct 8 – 12, 2018
US/Central timezone
IWAA 2018 group picture is available to download

Survey and Alignment of the Fermilab ICARUS Neutrino Detector

Oct 9, 2018, 1:30 PM
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Other Geodetic and Survey Topics Other Geodetic and Survey Topics


Dr Babatunde O’Sheg Oshinowo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


The ICARUS neutrino detector, which measures 20 meters long and weighs 760 tons, serves as the Short-Baseline Program Far Detector. It consists of two cryostats, ICARUS1 and ICARUS2. Each cryostat holds liquid argon time projection chamber modules and photodetectors. ICARUS1 and ICARUS2, also known as Cold Vessels, are installed in a Warm Vessel inside the Short-Baseline Neutrino Far Detector Building at Fermilab. This paper summarizes the survey and alignment of the ICARUS Neutrino Detector using the Laser Tracker. The installation and survey of the detector was completed in August 2018.

Primary author

Dr Babatunde O’Sheg Oshinowo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Mr Charles Wilson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials