Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
- David Martin (ESRF)
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
- Jaromir Penicka (Argonne National Laboratory)
Chenghao Yu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
10/11/18, 9:00 AM
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
Vibrating wire technique is mainly used in NSLS-II project to fulfil the alignment specification of ±30 micron to 6 or 7 main magnets in each girder assembly. The center of magnet can be characterized with an accuracy of better than 10 micron.
The magnets have been fiducialized mechanically so that they can be coarsely aligned on girder within 100 micron accuracy. Although vibrating wire...
Hyo-Jin Choi
(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
10/11/18, 9:30 AM
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
All components of PAL-XFEL (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory’s X-ray free-electron laser) were completely installed in December 2015, and Hard X-ray 0.1nm lasing achieved through its beam commissioning test and machine study on March 16, 2017. The beam line users are use the hard x-ray since March 22, 2017.
Several parts that comprise the large scientific equipment should be installed and...
Hiroaki Kimura
10/11/18, 10:30 AM
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
SPring-8 upgrade plan (SPring-8-II) has been discussed and examined to realize an ultra-low emittance storage ring with two boundary conditions to be cleared; high alignment precisions and 10 months of short replacing period. Comprehensive system and scenario of both installation and alignment have been designed for these above conditions. Half-cell with actual components has been assembled...
Yuichi Okayasu
(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (SPring-8))
10/11/18, 11:00 AM
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
Trends of accelerator components coordinates on the storage ring, which are designed as the SPring-8-II, are calculated with ground deformation growth rates. The rates are evaluated based on survey data measured since 1996 for the existing SPring-8 accelerator components.
Next, alignment errors for all neighboring two magnet-girders are numerically estimated as relative error ellipses via...
David Martin
10/11/18, 11:30 AM
Survey & Alignment Aspects of Light Sources
After 20 years of success and scientific excellence, the ESRF, embarked upon an ambitious and innovative modernisation project – the Upgrade Programme. The first phase of this programme was completed over the period 2009-2015. In May 2015, the ESRF launched the second part of this programme, the Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF – EBS) project.
The highlight and major technological challenge...