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20–21 Apr 2018
US/Central timezone

Proposal List

30 / 30
Joseph Lykken (Fermilab)
20/04/2018, 08:30
Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
20/04/2018, 08:45
William Boroski (Fermilab)
20/04/2018, 09:00
Amitoj Singh
20/04/2018, 09:20
Tony Wong (BNL)
20/04/2018, 09:35
Chip Watson (Jefferson Lab)
20/04/2018, 09:50
Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Lab)
20/04/2018, 10:50
Frithjof Karsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Swagato Mukherjee (BNL)
20/04/2018, 11:00
Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab)
20/04/2018, 11:30
Gabriel Perdue (Fermilab)
20/04/2018, 14:00
Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab), David Richards (Jefferson Laboratory)
20/04/2018, 14:30
Thomas Blum (University of Connecticut)
20/04/2018, 15:00
Steven Gottlieb (Indiana Univ.)
20/04/2018, 15:15
Thomas Blum (University of Connecticut)
20/04/2018, 15:25
Carleton DeTar (University of Utah)
20/04/2018, 16:10
Stefan Meinel (University of Arizona)
20/04/2018, 16:25
Ethan Neil (University of Colorado, Boulder)
20/04/2018, 16:55
Oliver Witzel
20/04/2018, 17:05
Anna Hasenfratz (University of Colorado), Richard Brower (Boston University)
20/04/2018, 17:20
Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky)
21/04/2018, 08:45
Raza Sufian (JLab)
21/04/2018, 09:00
Boram Yoon (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
21/04/2018, 09:15
David Richards (Jefferson Laboratory)
21/04/2018, 09:30
Michael Wagman (MIT)
21/04/2018, 11:20
Zohreh Davoudi (University of Maryland)
21/04/2018, 11:35
Bálint Joó, Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
21/04/2018, 12:30