US-Japan Meeting on Laser Manipulation of H- Beams

Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner (Wilson Hall)

Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

Wilson Hall

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
Bob Zwaska (Fermilab), David Johnson (Fermilab)

This meeting will further the collaboration of accelerator physicists and engineers from Japan and the US with the goal of producing higher-intensity neutrino beams.  This meeting is dedicated to the laser manipulation of H- beams.

  • Wednesday, 28 March
    • 1
      ES&H Briefing TBD (Linac)



    • 2
      Tour of NML Laser & FAST NML


      Speakers: Dr Daniel Broemmelsiek (FNAL/AD/AAP/SRF-ELECTRON), Jinhao Ruan (Fermilab)
    • 3
      Tour of Laser Notcher Linac


    • 4
      Lunch Fermi Cafeteria

      Fermi Cafeteria

    • 5
      Welcome Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL)
    • 6
      Opening Remarks Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Dr Bob Zwaska (Fermilab)
    • 7
      Opening Remarks Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Dr Hasegawa (J-PARC)
    • 8
      Orginization comments Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: David Johnson (Fermilab)
    • 9
      Status at J-PARC and Progress of 400 MeV H- Stripping to Protons by Using Only Lasers Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Dr Pranab Saha (J-PARC)
    • 10
      Status of TEF-P and Developments of H- Neutralization System by Using Laser Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Dr Shin-ichiro Meigo (JAEA)
    • 16:35
      Break Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
    • 11
      Fermilab Linac Laser Notcher: Motivation, Method, and Frist Operational Experience Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: David Johnson (Fermilab)
    • 12
      Discussion Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
    • 13
      Dinner MontriThai


  • Thursday, 29 March
    • 14
      Gathering Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
    • 15
      Multi-laser-wire Diagnostic System for Measuring H- Beam Profiles at J-PARC Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Dr Akihiko Miura (J-PARC)
    • 16
      Photoinjector & Inverse Compton Laser Systems Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Jinhao Ruan (Fermilab)
    • 17
      Optical Stochastic Cooling with Lasers Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Matt Andorf (NIU)
    • 18
      Laser Profile Monitor Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Vic Scarpine (Fermilab)
    • 19
      Laser Notcher Instrumentation Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: Todd Johnson (Fermilab)
    • 20
      Bunch-by-Bunch Neutralization and Applications for H- Beams Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speaker: David Johnson (Fermilab)
    • 10:25
      break Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
    • 21
      Round Table Discussion: Oppertunities and Applications at J-PARC and FNAL Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
      Speakers: David Johnson (Fermilab), Dr Pranab Saha (J-PARC)
    • 12:00
      LUNCH Cafeteria


      Wilson Hall

    • 22
      Wrap-up: Where do we go from here & future meetings? Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Snake Pit, Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor, NE corner

      Wilson Hall

      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
    • 14:00
      Tour of PIP-II Injector Test Stand NML
