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Single Particle Working Group



This is webex meeting of people interested in single particle dynamics of protons in a circular accelerator with crystal collimation. It covers both the SPS CRYSTAL experiment and the Tevatron CCE (Crystal Collimation Experiment). To modify the agenda or to upload talks please use the pw distributed by email or log into your Fermilab INDICO account. Questions: email Time reference is USA Eastern.
Tom Markiewicz reported that the LARP Accelerator System Advisory Committee met on 2 April 2008. The availability of LARP funds in 2008 for CRYSTAL is still considered highly probably; a draft distribution of remaining LARP uncommitted funds including CRYSTAL was shown. Marco Oriunno will contact Steve Peggs to discuss how best to set up "team" and "common fund" accounts at CERN, a process he has worked through in his previous job at CERN. Walter Scandale gave a status of the MOU: CERN staff are making minor changes to the "Intellectual Property" section. It should be available for signing soon. Andrei Seryi reported on the first SLAC working group meeting for CRYSTAL and outlined his plans for the immediate future. These plans mostly involve education and review of the physics of channelling, the H8 beamline experiment, the SPS proposal & its hardware. Michela & Walter reported that a visit to the SPS has revealed a slightly optimized layout for the roman pots. Diagrams and photos will soon be distributed.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:30 11:50
      Discussion of LARP Budget Status relative to CRYSTAL 20m
      Speaker: Thomas Markiewicz (SLAC)
    • 11:50 12:10
      Discussion of MOU Status 20m
      Speaker: Walter Scandale (CERN)
    • 12:10 12:30
      Discussion of CRYSTAL Working Group at SLAC 20m
      Speaker: Andrei Seryi (SLAC)