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15 June 2018
US/Central timezone



15 Jun 2018, 13:00
1-West (Fermilab)



Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Adam Bihary (DOE), Dr Joseph Lykken (Fermilab), Nigel Lockyer (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 13:00
John Marriner (FNAL), John Peoples (Fermilab), Michael Witherell (UCSB), Dr Pier Oddone (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 13:15
Mr Ralph Pasquinelli (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 13:30
Dr C. Mishra (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 13:45
Roger Dixon (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 14:00
James Strait (FNAL)
15/06/2018, 14:15
Dr Vyacheslav Yakovlev (FNAL)
15/06/2018, 14:30
Sergei Nagaitsev (FNAL)
15/06/2018, 14:45
Paul Derwent (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 15:00
Dr Lia Merminga (FNAL)
15/06/2018, 15:15
Bill Foster
15/06/2018, 15:30
Stephen Holmes (Fermilab)
15/06/2018, 15:45
Building timetable...