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REGISTERED Participants/Lecturers - 13th Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2018

One West (Fermilab - Wilson Hall)

One West

Fermilab - Wilson Hall

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL
Estia Eichten (Fermilab), James Hirschauer (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


The LHC is operating at the energy frontier and opening a new era in the exploration of the smallest scales accessible to scientists.  In 2006, CERN and Fermilab began a series of “Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools” to prepare young researchers for physics at the TeV scale.  The 13th school will take place at Fermilab this summer and will build on the successes of the previous ones.  The target audience is young post docs and advanced graduate students (both theorists and experimentalists), with a strong interest in hadron collider physics. Lectures will focus on reviews of both the theoretical and experimental underpinnings of hadron collider physics, as well as a number of special topics.

General Information:

All lectures are in One West, except for lectures on Aug 28-29, which are in Ramsey Auditorium.

Rooms for Discussion Sessions will be clarified on the day of the session.



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