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ALEGRO Advanced Linear Collider Study Group - ICW Satellite Meeting at AAC'18

Summit Gallery, rm Peak 11-12 (Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center, Summit Gallery, rm Peak 11-12)

Summit Gallery, rm Peak 11-12

Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center, Summit Gallery, rm Peak 11-12


Following the March 2018 ALEGRO workshop at the JAI in Oxford, a document is under preparation as input to the European strategy update. The goal of this one-day meeting is to finalize this document describing possible strategies and roadmaps toward an electron-positron collider based on an advanced acceleration scheme. Registration is mandatory.

ALEGRO work is distributed over the following working groups and coordinators: contact them for information related to specific working groups:

Physics Case (PC); WG1: Michael Peskin (SLAC), Junping Tian (U. Tokyo)

Collider Machine Design/definitions (CMD); WG2: Daniel Schulte (CERN), Andrei Seryi (JAI), Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku Uni)

Theory, Modeling, Simulations (TMS); WG3: Jean-Luc Vay (LBNL), Jorge Vieira (IST), Henri Vincenti (CEA)

LWFA; WG4: Carl Schroeder (LBNL), Simon Hooker (JAI/Oxford), Brigitte Cros (CNRS/Univ Paris Sud)

PWFA; WG5: Jens Osterhoff (DESY), Edda Gschwendtner (CERN), Patric Muggli (MPP)

SWFA; WG6: Philippe Piot (NIU), John Power (ANL)

DLA; WG7: Joel England (SLAC), Ben Cowan (Tech-X)

Joint sub-WG on positron acceleration (PAC): Sebastien Corde (LOA), Spencer Gessner (CERN)

    • welcome & check in
    • Introduction
    • Status of roadmap document preparation for funding agencies and the European Strategy Update (ESU)

      Status of roadmap document preparation for funding agencies and the European Strategy Update (ESU)

    • Coffee Break
    • Status from WG leaders: priorities of the WG, status of resources, main recommendations to be forwarded to funding agencies and included in the ESU document
    • Lunch
    • Status of roadmap document preparation for funding agencies and the European Strategy Update (ESU): (continued)

      Status of roadmap document preparation for funding agencies and the European Strategy Update (ESU)

    • Coffee Break
    • Discussion: finalization of the documents, discussion of next steps, coordination with other groups, etc...
    • Conclusion