21–24 Aug 2018
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

Haloscope at Yale Sensitive to Axion CDM (HAYSTAC) Phase I Results and Phase II Upgrades

22 Aug 2018, 15:40
LVOC - Yosemite Room (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

LVOC - Yosemite Room

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

7000 East Ave L-780, Livermore, CA 94550


Alexander Droster (UC Berkeley)


We report on the results from a search for dark matter axions with the HAYSTAC experiment using a microwave cavity detector at frequencies between 5.6-5.8 GHz. We exclude axion models with photon couplings a factor of 2.7 above the benchmark KSVZ model over the mass range 23.15

Primary author

Alexander Droster (UC Berkeley)

Presentation materials