Minutes for LArSoft coordination meeting on July 3, 2018
Git cleanup — Marc Mengel
* Replacing the repository might be a good option
* LArSoft team will flesh out workflow for replacing the repository, renaming the old one
* Realized during the discussion that we’d a brand new name for the new repository. Otherwise, people will push from their old clone to the new rep.
* We will make a proposal. Will explain the workflow and consequences of changing the repository name also, if the is part of the proposal
Standardizing LArSoft code formatting — Kyle Knoepfel
* Lots of discussion. Unclear as to whether people thought this was a good idea, even if automated via clang
* Consensus is that we should come back to this
Time-stamping raw data — Tom Junk
* Approved addition of new data product for experiment-defined time-stamps
* Branch: lardataobj feature/trj_rawdata_timestamp_june2018
Hybrid photon library — Bea Tapia
* Used for dune10kt_1x2x6 geometry
* Achieves 97% reduction in memory at expense of fidelity in near photo-detector response
* Approved addition of this library implementation
* Branch: larsim feature/btapia_hybridlibraryCB