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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

29 September 2018
US/Central timezone


Afternoon (Curia II)

29 Sep 2018, 13:00

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Dan Dwyer (LBNL)
29/09/2018, 13:00
Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington)
29/09/2018, 13:20
Dr Igor Kreslo (LHEP, Bern University)
29/09/2018, 13:40
Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
29/09/2018, 13:55
Dr Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), Tracy Usher (SLAC), Dr Yun-Tse Tsai (SLAC)
29/09/2018, 14:10
Dr Corey Adams (Harvard University), Eric Church (PNNL), Dr Roxanne Guénette (Harvard University)
29/09/2018, 14:25
Building timetable...