Dec 3 – 7, 2018
Fermilab Wilson Hall: 1West M,F CuriaII T,W,Th
US/Central timezone
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Measuring (anti)neutrino-hydrogen interactions in DUNE ND

Dec 3, 2018, 3:30 PM
Fermilab Wilson Hall: 1West M,F CuriaII T,W,Th

Fermilab Wilson Hall: 1West M,F CuriaII T,W,Th

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL


Hongyue Duyang


We discuss a practical way to measure (anti)neutrino-hydrogen interactions by subtracting measurements on a dedicated graphite (pure C) target from those on a dedicated polypropylene (CH2) target within a highly segmented detector. Combining the measurements obtained from hydrogen and nuclear targets offers direct measurements/constraints of nuclear effects, which are an important source of systematic uncertainties in DUNE. (Anti)neutrino-hydrogen interactions also allow the determination of (anti)neutrino fluxes with unprecedented precision.

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