LArSoft Coordination Meeting Notes - October 23, 2018 Presentations are available at: 1. Release and project report - Erica Snider Look for survey on OS preference survey, and please distribute it to interested persons. 2. Status of LArG4 re-factoring - Hans-Joachim Wenzel Lynn: larg4 has not been appropriately factored. It includes a header from larsim. That has to be fixed. Also need to decide whether to move ahead with AuxDetHit, or modify the existing AuxDetSimChannel. The difference is an added “copy number” in the former that can be used to construct unique channel maps. 3. Changes to NuRandomService for art v3 - Kyle Knoepfel Many of these slides were presented at previous coordination meeting, but this is the formal proposal. In response to question, createEngine is module specific. The new version requires an additional argument, since there is no longer the concept of the “current module” in a multi-threaded environment. No objections were raised to the proposed changes. 4. Removing TGeant3 and GeaneTrackRep2 - Kyle Knoepfel In tracking down a memory issue while preparing LArSoft for art 3, found that larreco/Genfit/TGeant3 subdirectory is not being built. Herb: Why not stop building LArReco Genfit? It was an ancient version of track reconstruction. Lynn will attempt this and see what happens. If that doesn’t work, Kyle will remove TGeant3 and GeaneTrackRep2 as initially proposed since no one objected to this. After the meeting: Lynn found that larreco/TrackFinder and both use Genfit rather heavily. These modules were written in 2012 by Eric Church and appear to still be in use. If anyone wants to pursue this course, more analysis will be needed.