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5 November 2018
US/Central timezone


ProtoDUNE-SP status

5 Nov 2018, 10:00

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
05/11/2018, 10:00
Prof. David Newbold (University of Bristol / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Philip Rodrigues
05/11/2018, 10:05
David Rivera, Jonathon Sensenig (University of Pennsylvania), Josh Klein (University of Pennsylvania), Marco Roda
05/11/2018, 10:10
Ka Tsang, Mathew Graham (SLAC)
05/11/2018, 10:25
Frank Filthaut (Radboud University, Nijmegen and Nikhef)
05/11/2018, 10:30
Dr Jennifer Haigh (University of Warwick)
05/11/2018, 10:35
Mr Jake Calcutt (Michigan State University), Justin Hugon (Louisiana State University)
05/11/2018, 10:40
Dr Kurt Biery (Fermilab)
05/11/2018, 10:45
Enrico Gamberini (CERN), Dr Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
05/11/2018, 10:50
Dr Antonino Sergi (University of Birmingham), Dr Jingbo Wang (University of California, Davis)
05/11/2018, 10:55
Geoff Savage (Fermilab)
05/11/2018, 11:00
Building timetable...