Minutes for LArSoft coordination meeting on Nov 20, 2018
Present | Vito Di Benedetto, Giuseppe Cerati, Lynn Garren, Herb Greenlee, Alex Himmel, Tom Junk, Kyle Knoepfel, Saba Sehrish, A Smith, Erica Snider, Hans Wenzel
Remote | Lorena Escudero, Paul Russo, Tracy Usher, William Seiglmann|
Project status report [Erica Snider]
- v07_11_00 fixes the backward compatibility issue with PFParticleMetadata class
- We do not want to release anything that is not backward compatible; we need to fix our procedure to ensure this doeesn't happen
- ifdhc v2_3_8 has a bug in checksum calculation, and we do not want to cut a release this week (short week) just with new ifdhc v2_3_9
- how to correctly use ifdhc: setup larsoft ; unsetup ifdhc ; setup ifdhc v2_3_9
- Conclusion: No release this week due to Thanksgiving Holiday
Removing deprecated stuff from recob::Track [Giuseppe Cerati]
Cleanup of OpFastScintillation [Alex Himmel]
- Fixed the problem of SimPhoton vs SimPhotonLite for the use of DUNE
- DUNE uses SimPhotonLite to avoid memory problems and want to use photon libraries which contain reflected lights.
- Changes were implemented in the old LArG4
- Needs to be ported to the new framework but will be done after TDR, so March or April of 2019
- New structure of the for loop is:
- loop over (not reflected, reflected) then for (each channel) and then for (each photon)
- Previously, reflected light and direct light stored together.
- Fast scent now has 2 labels ("", reflected)
- Needed because SimPhotonsLite does not store wavelength or other properties which vary photon to photon
- Note that reflected implies wavelength shifted. Things that are not (eg, just reflected
- Noted that the full simulation does not store separate direct/indirect collections
- No comments or objections to this work.
Lazy database services [Herb Greenlee]
- Proposed changes to IOV database services
- Provider updates
- New data members and methods
- Time stamp of cached data: fCurrentTimeStamp
- Time stamp of most recent event: fEventTimeSTamp
- Methods to update the above: public method to update the first one and private const for the second one
- Existing functions
- Update(), calls DBUpdate
- Make all data members modified by DBUpdate mutable
- Call DBUpdate
- Modify PreProcessEvent callback to call UpdateTimeStamp(timestamp) instead of Update(timestamp).
- The call to DBUpdate is called only when accessed, hence the need for mutable data members
- Nonbreaking interface change.
- Only visible change is addition of new provider function UpdateTimeStamp.
- Updates to DB services and providers already discussed two weeks ago (at the LCM)
- List of branches
- LArSoft:
- Develop: Larevt: feature/greenlee_lazy_db_develop
- MCC8 branch: Larevt: feature/greenlee_lazy_db (already merged)
- Uboone suite
- Ubevt: feature/greenlee_lazy_db
- Ubevt: feature/greenlee_lazy_db_no_larsoft (if no larevt merge).
- MCC8: Uboonecode: feature/greenlee_lazy_db
- Merge request for next integration release: No objection
Persisting slices in Pandora's output [A Smith]
- Pandora uses Slice concept to
- Represent topologically distinct collection of hits
- Were candidates for neutrino or beam-particle interactions
- Now these objects exist in LArSoft, can be persisted and used downstream (recob::Slices, available in lardataobj/RecoBase)
- How filled
- All unambiguous cosmic hierarchies = one recob::Silce per hierarchy
- All pandora internal slices
- Feature branch: larpandora - feature/asmith_persistRecobSlicev07_11_00
- New products:
- std::vector
- art::Assns<recob::Slice,recob::Hit,void>
- art::Assns<recob::PFParticle,recob::Slice,void>
- Validated hit-by-hit that slices match what was expected in pandora
- Increase output data size by < 1%. No effect on cpu or memory
- All unit tests work
- Request changes for next week release, no objection
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