June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
US/Central timezone

Electronics Configurations and Signal Timing Analysis from LED Calibration in the JSNS2 experiment

Not scheduled


Mr Sanghoon Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University)


The JSNS2 experiment aims to search for the existence of sterile neutrino at J-PARC. A 1 MW beam of 3 GeV protons incident on a spallation neutron target produces an intense neutrino beam from muon decay at rest. The experiment will search for muon anti-neutrino to electron anti-neutrino oscillations which are detected by the inverse beta decay interaction, followed by gammas from neutron capture on Gd. Before the first physics run, LED runs were performed to check the PMT gain and signal timing in each channel. In this presentation, the electronics configuration of the experimental apparatus is described and the preliminary results of signal timing from the LED runs are shown.


The JSNS2 experiment began data taking with LED runs in order to search sterile neutrino.

Experiment/Collaboration JSNS2

Primary author

Mr Sanghoon Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University)

Presentation materials