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June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
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Energy response characterisation of the SoLid detector

Not scheduled


Ms Maja VERSTRAETEN (Universiteit Antwerpen)


Calibration and simulation of the SoLid detector energy response are crucial to correct detector inhomogeneities and perform a neutrino oscillation measurement. The detector is composed of 12,800 (5x5x5 cm3) cubes made of PVT scintillator and read out by a network of 3,200 wavelength shifting fibres and MPPCs. Two methods have been developed to extract light yield from Compton edge spectrum in each cube which are in a 2% agreement. From this, 19,200 parameters are derived to describe the detector response in the simulation. The agreement between data and simulation is controlled using calibration runs and BiPo-214 decay energy spectrum in physics runs for which we obtain a 10% agreement.


Calibration and simulation of the energy response of the highly segmented detector SoLid

Experiment/Collaboration SoLid collaboration

Primary author

Ms Maja VERSTRAETEN (Universiteit Antwerpen)


Dr Behzad Hosseini (Imperial College London) Mr David Henaff (Subatech) Mr Noe Roy (IJCLab)

Presentation materials