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June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
US/Central timezone

Probing the two-neutrino exchange force using atomic parity violation

Not scheduled


Mitrajyoti Ghosh (Cornell University) Walter Tangarife (Loyola University Chicago)


The exchange of two neutrinos at one loop leads to a long-range parity-violating force between
fermions. We explore the two-neutrino force in the backdrop of atomic physics. We point out that
this is the largest parity-violating long-range force in the Standard Model and calculate the effect of
this force in experiments that probe atomic parity violation by measuring optical rotation of light
as it passes through a sample of vaporized atoms. We perform explicit calculations for the hydrogen
atom to demonstrate this effect. Although we find that the effect is too small to be observed in
hydrogen in the foreseeable future, our approach may be applied to other setups where long-range
parity violation is large enough to be probed experimentally.


2-neutrino exchange force as the longest range parity violating force in atomic hydrogen

Primary authors

Mitrajyoti Ghosh (Cornell University) Yuval Grossman (Cornell University) Walter Tangarife (Loyola University Chicago)

Presentation materials