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June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
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Running Status and Analysis of 1-ton Prototype of the Jinping Neutrino Experiment

Not scheduled


Mr Jinjing Li (Tsinghua University, department of engineering physics)


The China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) with the lowest cosmic-ray muon
flux and the lowest reactor neutrino flux of any laboratory is ideal to carry out low energy neutrino experiments for solar neutrino, geo-neutrino and supernova neutrino
physics studies. At present, a 1-ton prototype for Jinping Neutrino Experiment of
which the target material is liquid scintillator is deployed in CJPL and has been running
since the summer of 2017. The R&D efforts are made particularly on the construction
of low background facilities, including the measurements of radiative backgrounds
and nitrogen bubbling. These studies will provide us with important references for
future hundred-ton and kilo-ton detectors construction. In this poster, I will present
the running status of the 1-ton prototype and the results of background level
measurements of Jinping Neutrino Experiment, etc.


Latest status and results from the 1-ton prototype of Jinping Neutrino Experiment at CJPL.

Experiment/Collaboration Jinping Neutrino Experiment

Primary author

Mr Jinjing Li (Tsinghua University, department of engineering physics)

Presentation materials