15–19 Jul 2019
US/Eastern timezone

Studying minijets and multiple parton interactions with rapidity correlations

15 Jul 2019, 18:10
2213 A Chair : Andy Buckley

2213 A Chair : Andy Buckley


Andrzej Siodmok (IFJ PAN)


A short review of phenomenological models of Multiple Parton Interactions (MPI) implemented in the three main Monte Carlo generators: Herwig, Pythia, and Sherpa will be given. New observables which are sensitive to different mechanisms of mini-jet production and MPI physics will be introduced. The observables measure how the transverse momenta of hadrons produced in association with various trigger objects are balanced against it as a function of rapidity. It will be demonstrated that the Monte Carlo generators show significantly different predictions for the proposed observables. Finally, a measurement of the proposed rapidity correlations performed by the CMS Collaboration will be discussed

Primary author

Andrzej Siodmok (IFJ PAN)

Presentation materials