DUNE Global Computing Sites



Andrew Mcnab, Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Stuart Fuess (Fermilab), peter clarke (University Edinburgh)
Weekly meeting for sites doing DUNE computing
    • 07:00 07:20
      General discussion 20m
      Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Dr Michael Kirby (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab), Prof. peter clarke (University Edinburgh)

      Dune sites meeting May 13


      Vip Davda

      Robert Illingworth

      Ken Herner

      Stu Fuess

      Alaistair Dewhurst 

      Daniela Bauer

      Andrew Mcnab

      Heidi Schellman

      Mike Kirby

      Raja Nandakumar

      Pete Clarke


      Sites—problems @Lancaster


      CERN—ticket open to remove gLexec


      Daniela—is there a specific error at Lancaster—Ken, will have to look

      Nebraska also had problems.




      Stashcache—are we running everywhere?

      Ken—Edinburgh ok

      Problems at BNL


      Teng @ Edinburg knowledgable about xcache. 

      Should contact him




      RAL tape—should we put the year in the path

      Pure policy decision




      Ken—Storage—Gonzalo Merino asked if we had tested at PIC

      They do have an SE available for DUNE


      Raja—GGUS ticket opened re. RAL tier 1, 

      Thinking the CE was in a downtime

      Should make sure that they have the right list of DN’s 


      Re 500TB tape @ RAL



      Petr--centos7 testing—

      Will put everything in SL6 singularity containers for now



      NP02 data challenge comes up week after collaboration.


      Big production run coming