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1–2 Apr 2019
Fermilab Feynman Computing Center (Room FCC2A)
US/Central timezone

We are very excited to announce the Software Carpentry Workshop at Fermilab. Our experience from experiment-specific and advanced software trainings has shown that participants’ knowledge of basic software skills can be quite variable, depending on their particular background. Some may have learned basic skills from university courses or self-training, but holes are very common. This impacts their ability to profit from the advanced trainings being offered. In offering the workshop the goal is to establish and provide a uniform set of basic skills for all HEP graduate students and postdocs, and broadening participation from institutions lacking such courses.

The topics will cover python, python plottting, access physics data in Python with PyROOT and uproot, as well as manipulating irregular data as jagged arrays.

NOTE: The regsitration is strictly limited to 25 on first come first serve basis. There will be a waitlist of 5 in case a spot opens up. To be waitlisted, send email to Sudhir Malik (

NOTE: Coffee/cookies will be served. Lunch is on your own.


David Yakobovitch - Enterprise Data Scientist at Galvanize, AI Instructor

Will Trimble - bioinformatician, based at ANL

Jim Pivarski - Physicist, Princeton University


Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez)

Peter Elmer (Princeton University)

Ian Cosden (Princeton University)

Local Organiser:

Scarlet Norberg (UPRM)


This event is supported in part by National Science Foundation grants OAC-1829707 and OAC-1829729 (FIRST-HEP), Cooperative Agreement OAC-1836650 (IRIS-HEP) and The Carpentries.

Group Photo:

(Click for larger version)

Fermilab Feynman Computing Center (Room FCC2A)