Aug 21 – 23, 2019
Argonne, Building 360
US/Central timezone
The intent of this workshop is to (1) describe the current capabilities of the AWA facility and (2) identify future upgrades that would be of interest to AWA’s collaborators. The workshop will include presentations by members of the AWA group describing the capabilities available at the AWA facility, presentations by AWA members & collaborators on the accelerator science topics listed below, and a tour of the AWA facility. Accelerator science topics to be discussed at the AWA workshop on August 21 – 23, 2019. 1. Advanced Acceleration Concepts - Two-beam acceleration - Beam driven structure wakefield acceleration - Beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration - High efficiency, high-gradient structure R&D - RF breakdown and field emission studies 2. Beam Physics - Longitudinal bunch control (e.g. shaping, compression, etc) - 6D emittance repartitioning (e.g. EEX, FBT, etc) - BBU control in wakefield accelerators - Beam quality preservation (e.g. CSR, etc) - Diagnostics R&D (single shot / non-destructive / ultra-high resolution) - Other novel beam manipulation methods and applications 3. Electron RF Gun Source - High quality photocathode beam generation (e.g. homogenization, quadrupole correction, etc.) - NCRF gun characterization of photocathodes - NCRF gun characterization of field emission cathodes Please let us know if you are going to attend the workshop by registering on the left side bar. In addition, let us know if you would like to make a presentation or have suggestion for a presentation by emailing admin support, Nancy Rezek, ( AWA Needs and Opportunities Workshop Chairs, Manoel Conde and John Power
Argonne, Building 360