Tuesday Afternoon I
- Nadja Strobbe (Fermilab)
Miranda Elkins
(Iowa State University)
6/11/19, 2:20 PM
The long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment named NOvA is comprised of two detectors utilizing liquid scintillator tracking calorimeters. Both are positioned 14 mrad off-axis with respect to the NuMI beam with the near detector being at Fermilab. The far detector, at 14 kton, can be found approximately 810 km away in Ash River, Minnesota. The main physics goals of NOvA include, but are...
Ashley Back
(Iowa State University)
6/11/19, 3:05 PM
NOvA continues as one of the leading long-baseline neutrino experiments,
thanks to Fermilab's powerful 700 kW NuMI beam, which provides NOvA with a beam
of predominantly muon neutrinos or antineutrinos. NOvA studies neutrino
oscillations using two detectors, both constructed from plastic extrusions
filled with liquid scintillator, placed 810 km apart and both slightly off-axis
from the...
abhilash dombara
(syracuse university)
6/11/19, 3:20 PM
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment with two functionally identical liquid scintillator detectors 809 km apart, off-axis from the NuMI beam. The main goal of this experiment is to determine the mass hierarchy and precise measurement of several neutrino oscillation parameters. To measure these parameters precisely we need to have a correct estimate of the neutrino and antineutrino...
Maria Martinez-Casales
6/11/19, 3:35 PM
NOvA is a long baseline neutrino experiment based at Fermilab that studies neutrino oscillation parameters via electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance. The oscillation measurements compare the Far Detector data to an oscillated prediction which accounts for the Near Detector (ND) data and our understanding of neutrino interactions and cross-sections by using GENIE...