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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

Neutrino Task Force Meeting

A-224 (Building 360)


Building 360


To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:

Phone Dial-in +1.866.226.4650 (US Toll Free)

Global Numbers:

Meeting ID:  904 121 774

Neutrino Task Force – volunteers and ex officio:
Jimmy Proudfoot (facilitator)
Jinlong Zhang
Norm Rendon
Maury Goodman
Carlos Wagner
Peter van Gemmeren
Jeremy Love
Peter Winter
Jianjie Zhang
Vic Guarino
Zelimir Djurcic
Steve Magill
Rich Talaga
Yuri Oksuzian
Bob Wagner
Harry Weets
Karen Byrum
Salman Habib (ex officio)
Kawtar Hafidi (ex office)


    • 15:00 15:05
      Introduction and Goals For Today's Meeting 5m
      Speakers: James Proudfoot (Argonne National Laboratory), James Proudfoot
    • 15:05 15:35
      Discussion Task Force Draft Document 30m
    • 15:35 16:05
      Next steps 30m
    • 16:05 16:25
      Discussion - DUNE Computing Model Workshop 20m