Now that the Japanese decision on ILC has been delayed, the fate of ILC within the European community is likely to suffer, in particular since European enthusiasm for FCC-ee has been rising as the next Higgs Factory. Another competitor is CEPC. One of strong arguments that FCC proponents offer is the very high luminosity (6 times ILC) at 250 GeV. But the downside of FCC is of course the cost, which starts at 10B$ (from CDR) not including the tunnel (+3 B$) and detector (+2 B$). Over a longer timescale, US will hold Snowmass to discuss future options for US HEP thrusts. There will probably be many proposals, such as Muon-collider-based Higgs Factory, Neutrino Factory, PIP-III, Gamma-Gamma Higgs Factory.
The goal of this one-day workshop is to discuss the possibility for a competitive ILC Higgs Factory with high luminosity upgrade option and the 350 GeV upgrade option. Can the High Lumi ILC offer the same luminosity as FCC-ee but be significantly less expensive than FCC-ee?
We will explore paths to competitive high luminosity upgrade options for ILC, estimate the cost for the upgrade, and discuss strategies on how to increase support for ILC within the European community and later at Snowmass. We will also discuss paths to a higher energy 350 GeV top factory upgrade to correspond to the higher energy option in the FCC plans.
Beamstrahlung Photon Load on the TESLA Extraction Septum Blade
CERN-ACC-2019-0003 (FCC-ee)
Chapter 7 ILC Beam Delivery System
CLIC 2018 Summary Report
Future prospects of accelerator science for particle physics
ILC_Global_Project_Final long
ILC_Global_Project_Final short
The International Linear Collider Machine Staging Report 2017