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LArSoft Coordination Meeting



Erica Snider (Fermilab), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)

To connect via Zoom:  Meeting ID 831-443-820

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At Fermilab:  WH2NW (Black Hole)

Minutes for LArSoft coordination meeting on May 21, 2019

Present | Lynn Garren, Krzysztof Genser,Robert Hatcher, Alex Himmel, Kyle Knoepfel, Saba Sehrish, Erica Snider, Hans Wenzel|

Remote | Katherine Lato |

Release and Project status report [Erica Snider]

  • 08_20_00 updates to pandora, bug fixes, improvement to OpDet
  • this week, ifdhc update
    • recob::Vertex fix is already in develop
  • migration to Python 3
    • means dropping slf6
    • We need to know if it is supported by experiments, and in what timeframe?
    • LArIAT has alot of Python scripts, who is going to update those. Its experiments’ responsibility.
    • Infrastructure things are already in Python 3, FIFE is pushing for end of summer migration
    • in LArbatch
  • nutools refactoring
    • version tightly coupled with specific versions of Geant4, Genie,
    • re-factor into separate components
    • plan is to have a proposal in the next LCM
    • dedicated discussion on Thursday


  • Need to know from experiments about migration to Python 3
    • end of life for Python 2 in January so we should try no later than end of summer deadline

Survey of module and service usage across LArSoft [Kyle Knoepfel]

  • Survey was sent April 29
  • The main goal is to remove the code no one is using
  • 18 people from multiple experiments responded, comment may not have enough coverage
  • The slide shown had a service with votes: “use” or “remmove”. green color is use it, blue is remove it
  • Questions asked in the survey were: What services do you use, and which ones should be removed?
    • same for filters and analysers
  • AtomicNumberService, ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService, ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService are in larexamples
    • ask why it was marked for removal
  • larreco/Deprecated directory should be removed
  • Anything that has the name cheater in it is used
  • Overall there is an agreement on the 2-step proposal presented, there will be follow-up during the upcoming coordination meetings
  • email will be sent out with the list of services and modules to remove

  • A side announcement: ICARUS will be using some experiments’ (may be DUNE’s) disambiguation code

New features and interface changes [Gianluca Petrillo]

  • In Geant4 wire plane is a box and has thickness, it has wires that are cylinders
    • 2 or 3 wire planes are adjacent to the others
  • if you ask for the position of wires, LArG4 voxel readout was returning the center
    • geo::TPCGeo::PlaneLocation() reports the center of the box
    • where wires are not in the center, in case of Argoneut the wires were on the side
  • consider geo::TPCGeo::PlaneLocation() deprecated; there are better options:
    • geo::PlaneGeo::GetCenter(): less fragile
    • geo::TPCGeo::DistanceToReferencePlane(), geo::PlaneGeo::DriftPoint(),
    • geo::PlaneGeo::DistanceFromPlane(): drift-direction aware
  • Request to officially deprecate it
    • does it make sense right now? provide feature branches with deprecation
  • discussion to clear out the different concepts in readout, simulation etc
  • comment on if utilities are not widely used across all the experiments, then they should not be added to LArSoft

  • Comment by Krzysztof Genser on naming conventions that LArSoft should have one.
  • Geant4 has the naming convention to use G4, so other projects should not use classes named that way. G4Helper e.g. in nutools

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:15
      Release and project report 15m
      Speaker: Dr Erica Snider (Fermilab)
    • 09:15 09:40
      Survey of module and service usage across LArSoft 25m
      Speakers: Dr Kyle Knoepfel (Fermilab), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)
    • 09:40 10:05
      New features and interface changes 25m
      Speaker: Gianluca Petrillo (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)