dCache Seminar

WH 10NW West Wing (Wilson Hall)

WH 10NW West Wing

Wilson Hall

Half day Seminar will describe dCache, a Highly Scalable Grid Enabled Distributed Disk Storage System. dCache has served as a main analysis disk data storage system for CDF experiment at Fermilab and is chosen as storage system for a number of Tier 1 and 2 LHC sites, including Fermilab US-CMS Teir 1 system. Seminar will cover dCache project current status, new features in the upcoming dCache 1.8 as well as a dCache project roadmap for the next year. The presentations will be followed by the questions and answers session.
    • dCache presentations
      • 1
        Opening Notes
      • 2
        dCache Storage System
      • 3
        New features in dCache 1.9: Pool, Info Provider, GridFtp
      • 4
        Status and plans of dCache and SRM projects at Fermilab
    • Coffee Break
    • Selected Topics discussions, Questions and Answers
      • 5
        OSG dCache Issues
      • 6
        Questions and Issues Submitted by dCache administrators and users
      • 7
        General Discussion