Indico Call details: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/21295/
Review Frank’s NSF report for items to add:
Focus on the next steps beyond the automation tools currently in place.
2. Can we add osg.Ceser in the RSV autojobs for tracking the usage on Gracc? Any other way for jobs to show up in reporting? Tentatively yes. Edgar will add this to the ‘submit’ scripts and Pascal will create the graphs in Gracc.
3. SAND - Data collections. Kibana/UNL reported VO name should be the filter. We will look into checking what’s stored based on the VO. Allegedly the relevant information is there. We need to check on the applications as well. See below:
4. We can use the LigoSearchTag to filter out the applications (James/Edgar)
Example: prod.o3.burst.paramest.bayeswave
RIFT: dev.o3.cbc.pe.lalinferencerapid (the name RIFT is relatively new)
Condor-8.8 ----now supports GPU hours as well. Work done on the PRP will need some additional details as it reports GPU time. It should be the same as CPU time. We will reprocess all the classAd files with ligosearchtag to bucket them into application categories based on input.