Attentess: James, Pascal, Igor (pending Edgar?)
Ooto: Rob, John Hicks
LIGO data-discovery server for CVMFS: OSG cert expired, how to renew? (LIGO auth) -
We will need some more info on this. This is client certificate that is used to authenticate access to frame files. Admins should request a new cert from CI logon and replace the existing OSG one that expired and then try again.
Igor general update
Things are working fine. Q: Can I target a particular version of cuda? No. Only after the pilot starts. PRP is running RIFT and will soon start running PyCBC/Cuda.
LIGO-CIT, QB2 also provide gpus to the collaboration.
Update data collection metrics (traceroute - we’ll follow up with Edgar to see if this is done).
Ingesting data from RSV to ES
Clone RSV pipeline for a PyCBC/Bayswave jobs (James/Pascal)