10:55 AM
"Beam-Beam Simulation Study for eRHIC"
Yun Luo
(Brookhaven National Lab)
11:10 AM
"Crab Cavity Developments for JLEIC"
HyeKyoung Park
(ODU/Jefferson Lab)
11:25 AM
"Bunch Lengthening System & Application to EIC"
Michael Kelly
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11:40 AM
"IOTA and Opportunities for the EIC"
Aleksandr Romanov
11:55 AM
"AWA and Opportunities for the EIC"
Gwanghui Ha
12:10 PM
"High-Performance CIC Magnets for EIC: Recent Developments"
Peter McIntyre
(Texas A&M University)
12:25 PM
"An SRF-gun option for high-current magnetized-beam generation"
Philippe Piot
(Northern Illinois University)