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Sep 23 – 24, 2019
US/Central timezone


Plenary Session

Sep 23, 2019, 9:00 AM


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
9/23/19, 9:00 AM
Stephen Gray (Argonne National Laboratory)
9/23/19, 9:15 AM
Bill Fefferman (University of Chicago)
9/23/19, 1:30 PM
Edo Waks (University of Maryland)
9/23/19, 2:15 PM
Dr Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
9/24/19, 9:00 AM
Jungsang Kim (Duke University)
9/24/19, 9:50 AM
Lukasz Cincio (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/24/19, 11:00 AM
Prof. David Schuster (U.Chicago)
9/24/19, 11:25 AM
Dr Yuri Alexeev (Argonne National Laboratory)
9/24/19, 11:50 AM
Dr David Hume (NIST)
9/24/19, 1:30 PM
Patrick Coles (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/24/19, 2:15 PM
Dr Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
9/24/19, 3:00 PM
Building timetable...