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High-Speed Silicon Photonic Optical Interconnects for Harsh Environments

The Dark Side (WH6NW) (Fermilab)

The Dark Side (WH6NW)



Silicon (Si) photonics is a well-positioned technology to provide high-speed and low-cost optical interconnects, addressing the most demanding high data throughput applications. Although typically implemented and leveraged commercially for short-reach links, such as intra-datacenter and board-to-board links, Si photonics is also being investigated for high-bandwidth chip-to-chip optical interconnects. Typically, the photonic devices used for these applications are optimized for room temperature operation in benign environments. Recently, the extraction of data from integrated circuits (ICs) in cryogenic and/or high radiation environments has become of great interest, especially for digital superconducting ICs for quantum computing readout, low-noise receiver frontends for RADAR and astronomy, readout of high performance infrared (IR) focal plane arrays (FPA), and for large scale high energy physics (HEP) detectors. Utilizing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), a high capacity optical interconnect from HEP detectors can be realized in the high radiation environment using Si photonic based ring resonator modulators (RRMs), where the laser source, optical receiver, and backend electronics are located in the benign environment of a control room. Substantial increases in data throughput can be realized with such an optical interconnect, which will be needed for future high luminosity HEP experiments.

    • 14:00 15:00
      High-Speed Silicon Photonic Optical Interconnects for Harsh Environments 1h The Dark Side (WH6NW)

      The Dark Side (WH6NW)


      Speaker: Steven Estrella