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21–25 Oct 2019
US/Central timezone


Pre-NBI LBNF and RaDIATE Session 2:

21 Oct 2019, 13:00


Pre-NBI LBNF and RaDIATE Session 2:: Includes topics of LBNF Target He Gas System, LBNF Target Design Progress, RaDIATE BLIP Target Box CFD Analysis, and RaDIATE Collaboration meeting planning

  • Patrick Hurh (FNAL)


Second session of Pre-NBI meeting convened by P. Hurh. Final agenda will be discussed and set at the start of the session.

Topics include:

-LBNF Target He Gas System
-LBNF Target Design Progress
-RaDIATE BLIP Target Box CFD Analysis
-RaDIATE Collaboration meeting planning

Presentation materials

Building timetable...