DUNE Global Computing Sites



Andrew Mcnab, Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Michael Kirby (FNAL), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Stuart Fuess (Fermilab), peter clarke (University Edinburgh)
Weekly meeting for sites doing DUNE computing
    • 07:00 07:20
      General discussion 20m
      Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Dr Michael Kirby (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab), Prof. peter clarke (University Edinburgh)


      Sites meeting


      James Perry


      Working on  configuration  to make it more configurable

      Moving experiment-specific stuff to external packages


      What about site-specific—there are changes in latest version that ought to help with them.

      What we really need is QOS stuff


      Checksum mismatches


      Steve noticed 2 dual phase files which hadn’t shown as transfer to tape, these turn out 

      To be checksum mismatches we will have to resend.



      Nersc running


      Failure in the metadata extractor that looks like a timeout but might not be.

      If the metadata extractor fails it doesn’t copy the file to the local NERSC


      Could take out the part that does the declaration.




      NP02 data at IN2P3—was run 1265 copied there?  Yes but it appears it was not declared to SAM.





      FTS3/Rucio at NERSC

      Non-CMS FTS3 server at FNAL in progress but not likely to be ready soon.  May be able

      To use fts3.fnal.gov (CMS owned) for testing purposes.  Needed to get the Nersc-generated

      MC back to Fermilab.



      Future meetings? 

      There is one on 16 dec 2019.  There may be one on 23 dec 2019, will go with what Heidi announced.  Will definitely not be one on 30 Dec. 2019;.