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Oct 28 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Installation Design

SiDet-LabAB (Fermilab)



Ting Miao (FNAL)

Minutes of Oct 28 2019 ArgonCube2x2 Installation Meeting

·  Attendee: Jim, Gary, Angela, Min Jeong, Steve and Ting

·  Status of action tasks from last meeting

  • The HA for MINOS magnetic coil disassembly needs to be approved
  • HA for electronics decommissioning task needs to be drafted
  • FY20 budget to neutrino division came out last week. Division managers are talking to DUNE project to sort out support level for both decommissioning and argonCube2x2
  • We had initial discussion for securing two electrical technicians for electronics jobs of decommissioning and 2x2 installation. Looks promising.
  • Jim confirmed Lab 8 can be used to store scintillator planes. Ting to talk to Rochester group about transportation arrangement
  • Angela and Ting will schedule one more lift training class as soon as we know the decommissioning start date

·  Water target thickness survey discussion

  • Howard's proposal calls to measure the thickness with water in 3 different levels
  • Jim estimated we need 3 techs for 1 day of setup, 1 day initial filling and 1 day re-fill for different water level between survey measurements
  • total 3 day for 3 tech labors
  • Jim also mentioned the shape of target is mostly determined by the water level (load). Creeping effect (shape changes after filling) is minimal
    • Same target was used in KTeV as beam window and we had quite a bit experience with the material
  • Need to procure four 55 gallon barrels from stock room
  • Filling was done before. All tools and procedures were defined
  • Survey will take a week: one day for laser tracker setup and stabilization, three days for survey -- three survey measurements at three water level
    • total labor 3 crews for 4 days, plus 2 days engineer time for data analysis
  • All those actives needs to be approved by neutrino division management.
    • Ting to arrange meeting between Steve Brice and spokes

·  We will meet again in two weeks

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Progress of action tasks from last meeting
    • 2
      Steps and schedule for water target filling and survey
      Speakers: Howard Budd (Rochester), Mr James Kilmer (Fermilab)
    • 3