18 November 2019
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

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Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Dr Michael Kirby (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab)
18/11/2019, 09:30
Dr Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3)
18/11/2019, 09:50
Mr Christoph Alt (ETH Zurich), David Adams (BNL), Dr Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
18/11/2019, 09:55
Dr Mathew Muether (Fermilab), Mathew Muether (Whichita State)
18/11/2019, 10:00
Ivan Furic (U. Florida - Gainesville), Ivan Furic (University of Florida), Dr Kenneth Herner (Fermilab)
18/11/2019, 10:10
Andrea Dell'Acqua (CERN)
18/11/2019, 10:15
Dr Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Charles e. Lane, Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL), Dr Jonathan Paley (Fermilab), Prof. Norm Buchanan (Colorado State University)
18/11/2019, 10:20
Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Prof. peter clarke (University Edinburgh)
18/11/2019, 10:25
Internationalization of DUNE computing operations and activities; national infrastructures; WLCG meeting reports
Dr Adam Aurisano (University of Cincinnati), Dr Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab), Dr Stuart Fuess (Fermilab)
18/11/2019, 10:30
Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Dr Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Dr Raja Nandakumar
18/11/2019, 10:35
Development and evaluation of workload management components

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