Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Committee Meeting

Bldg 61, Room C

Bldg 61, Room C

Vidyo Connection -
    • 1
      Introductions Bldg 61, Room C

      Bldg 61, Room C

    • 2
      Social Media and Outreach
      Guests: - Stefania Bordoni - Neutrino Platform - Simona Kriva - Neutrino Platform - Steve Goldfarb, Chair IPPOG - Marzena Lapka, CMS Outreach - Clara Nellist, Atlas Outreach - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - guidelines - sharing responsibilities - guest posting - AOB
    • 3
      DUNE Public Webpage
      - Updating the DUNE public website - resources - input
      DUNE for the Public
      LBNF/DUNE Fermilab Link
    • 4
      Events Bldg 61, Room C

      Bldg 61, Room C

      - kinds of events - upcoming events - how do we best support requests