20–21 Jul 2020
US/Central timezone

NEXUS@FNAL Status and Plans

20 Jul 2020, 13:15


Nicholas Mast


The Northwestern EXperimental Underground Site at Fermilab (NEXUS@FNAL) is an underground cryogenic detector testing facility located in a clean room near the NOVA near detector. It currently features a vibration-isolated dry dilution refrigerator which operates down to 10 mK. The 300 meter water equivalent depth, combined with lead shielding around the refrigerator, is expected to lead to a background rate of <100 events/keV/kg/day. We present the current status of the NEXUS facility and overview of recent runs operating SuperCDMS R&D detectors. We also describe near and far term plans which include dark matter searches, qubit studies, neutrino detector development, and deployment of a neutron generator and backing array for neutron scattering experiments.

Primary author

Nicholas Mast

Presentation materials