Tuesday Morning 1
- Stefan Soldner-Rembold (University of Manchester)
The main goal of the NOvA experiment is to study the neutrino oscillations phenomenon in the muon (anti)neutrino beam. For this purpose NOvA uses large segmented liquid scintillator detectors with similar structure.
Along with the main oscillation analyses, NOvA detectors allow perform additional physics studies, using the dedicated data-driven trigger system, capable of performing a...
The DAMIC-M (Dark Matter in CCDs at Modane) is a near-future experiment that will succeed the DAMIC@SNOLAB experiment, in the search of low mass dark matter particles (<10 GeV) using scientific Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs). It will consist of a tower of 50 of the most massive and radiopure CCDs with a total target mass of ~1 kg. By implementing the Skipper readout technique, which will allow...
Many astrophysical observations point to the abundant existence of dark matter in the Universe. However, despite numerous experiments using different techniques, dark matter particles have yet to be directly observed. The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment (SuperCDMS) uses silicon and germanium detectors operated at temperatures as low as 15 mK in the low-background environment at...
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) collaboration is in the process of building the first of a set of bubble chambers with 10 kg superheated liquid argon target masses. Superheated dark matter detectors containing freons such as C$_3$F$_8$ are well-studied and can be operated in thermodynamic states which make the detector intrinsically insensitive to electron recoils (ERs), but provide no...
Recent measurement of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) process by COHERENT collaboration has opened a new portal of exploring beyond the standard model physics. The primary uncertainty in CEvNS stems from underlying nuclear structure physics embedded in weak nuclear form factor. An accurate estimation of form factors is vital to the CEvNS program, since any experimentally...